Conversion rate per page in Google Analytics with R
Published on 2019-01-07 in Analytics
I often get questions about how to evaluate if a page has been useful in the customer journey on the website. You could check this by a lot of different KPIs but many of them aren’t very good. For example, I think page value is an irrelevant metric since Google analytics will split the transaction...
Simple function to add trailing slash and lower case in GTM
Published on 2018-03-25 in Analytics
Have you noticed that some of your pages are counted in different rows in Google Analytics? Two of the most common reasons to this are trailing slash and pages with different case types. Google Analytics imports the requested URI in the exact format that is typed in the browser. This means that if you visit...
Remove possible PII query data in Google Analytics
Published on 2018-03-15 in Analytics
Have you noticed that Google Analytics page view data sometimes include query strings? There are a lot of positive aspects to this, e.g. the possibility to auto track AdWords, adding UTM parameters etc. But in some cases this could be a real headache. What if your website puts sensitive data in the query string? One...
Importing HotJar data into Google Analytics
Published on 2018-01-09 in Analytics
Are you using HotJar to get valuable insights of what your visitors are doing on your website? I bet you wouldn’t mind getting that data integrated with Google Analytics to make even more advanced analyses. This post is basically an extension to a post that one of my colleague, Eivind Savio, wrote some time ago....